What is NLP?

If we break down NLP into its constituent parts, we get-

N for Neuro-which means something which has to do with the neurons of your brain

L for Linguistic-which simply means language

P for Programming-which means re-establishing the connections

Overall, NLP thus refers to learning the language of the human mind.

NLP was first discovered by Richard Bandler


Just like a computer has a programming language that helps us interact with it easily, the human mind too can understand only a specific type of language.

As a computer user, we can easily erase or delete files that are not useful but are taking up the free space of the hard-disc. Have you ever wondered? As a human, why are we carrying heavy loads of files which are not relevant or useful to the present day when we have the power to erase them all?

The precise answer to this is that most of us are not aware of the fact that we can delete these files which are running in the background and are making us feel like hell. Even those who are aware of this end up saying that it is a pseudo-science and we cannot control how our brain functions. But, most of these people do not know the correct way to interact with their minds as they have never learnt the programming language that our brain uses to function.


Our bodies work in an automated mode if we do not invest our time to program our minds. We have the same monotonous routine every single day and even after working the hardest we can, we do not achieve what we want. This is because 95% of our lives are regulated by our subconscious minds. If we do not reprogram the neuro-pathways that are generally established by the time we just turn nine years old, our present will continue to remain pre-sent. Our genetics and environment will have the sole power to determine our destiny. We will remain enslaved by our passions and people around and therefore cannot discover the true version of ourselves.

Imagine the time when you first learnt to ride your bike. You had to be so alert and cautious all the time.But.over a period of time, once the art of driving sets into your subconscious, you begin to feel that it is the easiest task to do and often wonder whether or not you actually learnt it.


The way our mind perceives the stimuli vary from one individual to another. Usually, there are three known NLP models which exist-visual, auditory and kinesthetic.It should be worthwhile to note that there may be individuals who may dominate visual stimuli to auditory or kinesthetic. There may be others whose auditory stimuli are much stronger than others.

VISUAL-Visual people are good at framing images for everything they say. They are able to describe physical appearances perfectly well. When it comes to dating, they are more likely a date a person whom they find physically appealing.

AUDITORY-Auditory people are those whose decision-making largely depends on the way things sound. They also want to listen to their own voice and maybe found humming or singing even at work. In the dating world, they are mostly seduced by the sound or voice of their partner.

KINESTHETIC-They are the ones for whom feeling is the essence of everything they come across. They are usually sensible and emotional people and they choose their partners based on the way he or she makes them feel about themselves.


1)identify your dominant NLP model-This is a pre-requisite to the entire process. Remember that it is completely possible that you are dominant in multiple stimuli such as visual and kinesthetic or any two combinations. It is, however, rare that all your models operate with such force as some of these tend to be weaker than others. Only you can decide, which NLP model applies to you after experimenting with it for a while.

2)Identify what change you want-You also need to consider what you would like to change. Once, you know what to change, you will need to start your NLP journey.

3)Communicate with your subconscious using your dominant NLP model-For successful communication with your subconscious, try to apply all the tactics of NLP you learnt. A relaxed meditative state preferably the alpha state of mind is recommended to implant the new beliefs and behaviours during this process.

4)Validate your reason for change-It is all about convincing your sub-conscious. You need to put forth a clear intention of why you are changing a given pattern. For that, you have to have convincing ideas to convince your subconscious. You may use your dominant NLP model for this process but always make sure that tricking the subconscious is not easy, so be cautious as far as possible.

5)Identify conflicts-Before setting any equilibrium.it is necessary to identify any internal conflict if it exists. An internal conflict usually occurs if conscious and subconscious minds do not agree with each other. In case, a conflict is identified, you should be able to remove them.


What are the main applications of NLP?

NLP can produce miraculous results in many areas of life if applied correctly. Some of these areas include-

  • Living a healthy and disease-free life
  • Being able to attract wealth
  • Relationship-healing
  • Reconstructing and repairing self-image
  • Removing limiting beliefs

Why should I attend your workshop?

A smoker knows that smoking is fatal and so does an alcoholic. A person who loses his temper easily also knows that anger is devastating but still cannot do anything about it. This is because our brains are hard-wired to think a certain way. If we do not learn the mind language and interact with it to break those patterns, we will certainly be ending up living the same lifestyle every day even if we have the willpower to change certain things in life. Will-power is integral to this change but merely willpower will not do and using willpower we can change things at a conscious level. For subconscious reprinting, we need to be apt at the language our mind understands.

My NLP workshop will help you better your life in terms of health, wealth, relationships, mental and emotional well-being.

We conduct NLP workshops in Delhi/NCR and also have a two-day paid NLP workshop that can transform your life to the next level.


2 days NLP Subconscious Mind Mastery Program

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