Public speaking is primarily an art that enables a person to present himself or herself in front of an audience. But, it is a much broader term in itself. A good public speaker should have persuasion skills and not merely communication and presentation skills.
Public speaking plays a pivotal role in shaping an individual’s work-life or career. It is believed that almost more than half of the entire jobs available involve some form of public speaking.A public speech can perform three major functions. It can inform, persuade or entertain the audience. Effectiveness is something that sets apart a professional public speaker from an ordinary orator. As such, learning the art of public speaking is the key to becoming a good public speaker.
There are a number of external and internal obstacles that a speaker might face while speaking publicly. While external probable problems such as noise or distraction should be dealt with in advance, there are other problems that the speaker might face and therefore he or she should be aware of the same. These problems may include-loss of confidence on account of the audience’s response, vocal problems or losing breaths while speaking, etc. All these issues too should be addressed by the speaker beforehand.
As a beginner, I assume, you will have a good sense of how long it takes to give the presentation as you must have done multiple rehearsals on camera and managed your time pretty well each time.
However, sometimes, this approach might have some drawbacks as merely reading to yourself may not help you to know the actual length of the presentation. Always make sure that the exact timeframe of a seminar is generally difficult to adhere to. Plus, you will need to allocate some time for a Q and A session.
To know more about public speaking, you may consider joining my free public speaking workshop which has been ranked among one of the best public speaking workshops in Delhi.